
I most often write and edit non-fiction, specializing in women's lives and issues, biographies, popular histories, pop sociology, and humor with a fewer number of novels (no science fiction). I will also comment on and doctor screenplays.

But I am best known for memoir and creative non fiction. Works that I've edited/ghostwritten during the past two years include, by subject: life in the classical music world,  on the sets of major films, in  high level museum curating, and then nostalgic evocations of lower Manhattan in the 60s, 70s, and 80s (two books) and of the rock 'n roll world during the same period. (I will not list names or titles as these clients, like many, do not want it known they had a collaborator.)

I have taught memoir at various CUNY colleges and other universities. Courses I've taught include Introduction to Memoir, "Writing from I," and the Art of Memoir. (I have also taught general writing classes, expository writing, and introductory literature courses.) 

Editorial Services

Manuscript Evaluation

I consider plotting, character, dialogue, pacing, voice, tone, overall style, tension and thematic resonance—among other elements. I'll read whatever you have—two chapters or 35—and If you're in the NYC area we'll meet to discuss the work at my apartment. Otherwise, we'll connect via Zoom or by phone. If we decide to work together, we'll map out a precise editorial path going forward.

Project Development

Sometimes there's an idea but no manuscript and sometimes there's a 900 page tome that's lost its way. I can help you to find and define your story--whatever that takes. I might interview you, extracting a story line, primary characters and voice from the transcripts. I can also plunge into the long-- or too long sat-over--work, cutting away at the thicket to reveal its core.


And sometimes you just need someone to do it all for you. I particularly enjoy this challenge, assuming your voice and sensibility and writing your book so that it sounds as if you did. My process is entirely collaborative. I write and you read and comment on a weekly basis.


I'll devise writing exercises for you, I'll brainstorm titles, and you'll be able to call or meet with me (9-5) whenever you need to. I am your champion for the duration of the project--and after.

Line Editing

I love and am a master of the deep dive edit. My work in magazines and screenplays has given me a particular talent for structure. (Colleagues used to call me "the structuralist.")  All writers need a thorough line edit and that includes writers under contract who aren't getting enough edit attention.

Copy Editing

If your project is near completion, I can simply do a copy edit,  correcting grammar, punctuation and spelling, while reading for poor word choice, awkwardness, and inconsistencies. A general styling.

Submission Materials

I will write or edit your agent/editor queries, as well as your non-fiction book proposals and sample chapters.


“I went to Betsy with an idea for a memoir I was convinced I could not write myself. I had no idea where even to begin. She homed in on what I wanted to say and gave me homework assignments to prove that I could indeed write. And I did it! While leaning heavily on her rigorous editing and her friendly supportive nature. My book will be published next year and she saw it through from start to finish, including coming up with the title.”

“I had an outlined film project and a huge pile of notes about it. Betsy cut through the pile, carved out a story, and helped me wrestle the big elements—character, dramatic conflict, scene construction. She is knowledgeable, patient, tough, with a knack for dialog—and a great person to spend time with!”

“Betsy worked with me on a novel and was amazing in so many ways. She seemed to know right away what I needed to do—which was A LOT—and managed to make that seem normal and doable. She suggested so many essential things: losing a character I was in love with, beginning the story in a different place, writing it in the first person, and cutting back on autobiographical details that were weighing me down. ... I can't recommend her enough.”